Saturday, February 23, 2013

Venison Jerky and Olustee

Hey There! I had a few minutes and figured I'd write up a quick post. I went down to the Olustee Battle in Florida last weekend, and I had a blast. I got to camp out for the first time, dance for the first time, and sit around a campfire until after midnight, which is something I love to do. I've got a few pictures I want to share, I hope my computer cooperates...

                                         Making venisom jerky for the trip down to Florida-
                                                              it was soooo good.

At the battle Sunday afternoon; it was great.
And yes, I did say Hi to just about every horse
that passed me while I was down there... lol.

                       Well, thats just about all the time I have for today, thanks for stopping by!

Friday, February 1, 2013

My First Post

Hi all! This is Whistlin' Dixie here. I started this blog to give any interested people a peek into my life; a life that I love and think is interesting. ;)

I live on a "mini farm" with four siblings, my parents, two and a half horses, :P (two horses and a pony,) lots of chickens and guineas, four barn cats, a three legged house cat and a Double Yellow Headed Amazon parrot.

My horse is the love of my life. His name is Chief and he is a Medicine Hat Paint with two blue eyes- yes, I have a weakness for blue eyes, even my cat has blue eyes ;) - and he is very smart. I trained him to paw with his front legs when I tap his shoulder, walk sideways, stand with all four feet on a tractor trailer tire filled with sand, and kiss me on request. He is my baby.

I do Civil War reenacting, and I enjoy it immensely. I attended the Surrender of Secession-Westville last October, and it was one of the best experiences of my life. For anyone who would like to see what it was, here is a link to the video on youtube:

I love sewing, and I have made all of my period garments, from the undergarments to a wool shawl that I hand fringed and knotted. I'll post a picture of it soon.

I have a lot more to post, but as time is running short, I'll have to wait until later.


Whistlin' Dixie.